Our API is cross platform compatible and provides serverless & seamless services as FaaS (Function as a Service).


Dump data

The API dumps the data to the database by accepting the HTTP POST request from the client at the exposed endpoint.

Feature 02

Realtime Data Retrieval

The API retrieves the data from the database by accepting the HTTP GET request from the client at the exposed endpoint enabling realtime analysis driven insights.

Feature 03


The Visor offers a user interface for you to see a live view of all the events (logs). You can use it to debug your requests, test your endpoints by sending requests, and more.

Feature 04

Serverless FaaS Service

This API is serverless and provides FaaS (Function as a Service) which means that you don't have to worry about managing servers, scaling, or paying for idle time that are managed by the cloud provider.

Feature 05

Custom JWT Authentication

API is equipped with custom JWT authentication. All the protected routes are now injected with this custom JWT Bearer dependency.

Feature 06

Scoped Authorization

Hierarchical scope of access applies a coherent authorization barrier to prevent unauthorized access. This ensures that only the required features are shown to a user with specific role and access to other sensitive information is not granted.